NR2003-04-23 05:00  7 min 789 🇬🇧 #881

[NR14] psychological Pathology global - Psychopathology - Your basic problem is not biological but psychological - Psychovirus.

🇫🇷 🇪🇸
Date : Letter of 2 pages, mailed on 23/04/03, received 25/04/2003

Recipients : Pierre Martain (Pseudo)

Notes : Second of the three letters of E IXOO 7, written in French, and received in France by a recipient who wishes to remain anonymous (as provided in the call to other documents), and to whom we have given the pseudonym "Pierre Martain". The respect of his anonymity imposed the deletion of the header, and a few words that have no impact on the information contained in this document and do not exceed two lines in total.

Not an ideogram, not a handwritten signature. The acronym ummo is made up of the 3 computer characters

Only AJH knows his true identity and vouches for his character (he is out of the question that "Peter Martain" has written these letters)

This document has passed our validation tests, but the lack of some elements of validation "traditional" we cannot totally exclude the hypothesis of a letter, apocryphal. Consider for the moment in "quarantine" pending the result of the events.

Exceptionally, the translations of J. Pollion words Ooman letters are available on this file


(...) Saddam Hussein or George Bush that we consider as psychopaths. We have not built any barrier to mental separating us from you, such as good and evil. We confess, however, react with a certain aversion when we refer to your race on OUMMO. You are suffering from a psychological pathology overall that leads you to entrust the fate of your planet to the leaders most likely to lead to disaster. I myself felt some disappointment upon learning about my attachment to the INNAYOUYISSAA (microgroupe social subject to a higher) intended to OYAGAA (your planet). My YIE (wife) told me his desire to intervene in my favour with the council of OUMMO to change this assignment and it took me to persuade her not to consider it as a shame or a humiliation but as a necessary sacrifice.

(...). You complaisez in your torments, causing even more distress when the situation seems to calm down. When, therefore, you will rebel-you in mass against this situation permanent ? When, therefore, the brownian movement of individuals in your social network will it be channeled through a global will-oriented goals evolving concrete ? The mobilization of the peoples of your great nation in favour of peace before the outbreak of hostilities in Iraq, however, has exceeded our forecasts. Although this has clearly been unnecessary, there are undoubtedly still a expectation that your collective consciousness is active while every effort is made to anesthetize her.

We do chips, however, not the stone. The story of OUMMO also had periods in appalling conditions during, for example, of the reigns despotic of IEE 456 daughter of NAA 312 and WIE 1 daughter of OOWA 3 and IEE 456. The reform of our social network which ensued was long and grueling, and it is a period of our history that we don't hide in no way but of which we feel deeply ashamed.

One of your sisters Kingscote in Australia, after having studied the book of the sociologist american Ruth Benedict, we had one day pointed out the similarities between our society OUMMO and Japan. In both cases the company is based on the social group and not focused on the individual as in your western societies. On OUMMO, as in Japan, the conformation to the rules is obtained by the exacerbation of the feeling of shame induced in our brothers and sisters by the reprimand issued against them by the social network full when they depart too much from the behavioral patterns that we take for models. For your sister in australia, OUMMO, like Japan, is a shame then that the other companies OYAGAA are mainly based on the model antithetical seeking to cause remorse, and the feeling of guilt when prohibitions imposed are infringed. Although this analogy is somewhat simplistic, we need to admit the relevance.

And our punishment consisting of exposing nude in public an individual who has contravened our OUAA (moral laws) actually has to aim to cause the feeling of shame in the individual, as well as among all the brothers are strongly encouraged to watch this show, distressing to our eyes. As a result, we strive to follow the OUAA to avoid being subjected to this punishment humiliating. You put yourself in the scene, in your courts, public proceedings-all complemented by the effects of rhetoric and the ornaments of pomp outdated of your magistrates. The purpose of these trials is here to provoke feelings of guilt in order to obtain the repentance of the accused and to justify the deprivation of liberty and the payment of a financial penalty that will compensate the services of state law enforcement agencies that enact your banned and who, in the end, self-powered disorders of the social network that they are supposed to regulate.

We have already heard the arguments of your brothers who are morbid this public exposure of our nakedness. These arguments are anthropocentric and do not take into account the proper functioning of our psychology and the fact that we are inculcated from childhood as a reflex of modesty very strong, which goes so far as to produce discomfort physiological intense when we have to undress in front of other brothers, especially the opposite sex, and reveal our erogenous zones. I give you the example of one of our sisters, who, revolted by the submission of a woman to earth to her husband, he made a remark extremely offensive which made her cry. Its superior conceived the project and submit a exemplary exposing her nudity not only to all of our expeditionary present on Earth at this time but also some of your brothers and sisters from Adelaide with whom we work closely. On hearing the sentence, this YIE entered suddenly in a state of catatonic at the mere idea of finding himself naked in front of the earthlings. Only the intervention of another brother helped to reduce the sentence involving only the expeditionary of OUMMO by the logical argument that this would inevitably lead to giving the telltale signs do not want your brothers and sisters on our physiological particulars external.


Do not expect any intervention to modify the genome of your race by any means. Your basic problem is not biological but psychological. The reform should actually go through the education of young people is cut drastically negative influence:

- their own progenitors ;

- the social environment that encourages them to adopt deviant behaviors such as smoking, alcoholism, violence, consumption of drugs, the practice of eroticism morbid and uncontrolled sexuality, and erroneous;

- media of information dissemination that contaminate their capacity still intact, objective analysis.

You accept without question the existence of virus or other pathogenic micro-organisms against which you are seeking answers adapted to each. Please be aware that these biovirus also for psychological, more subtle. While you are obviously able to replicate these concepts in virus/vaccine at the level of your computers, can you conceive also the existence of ideas-virus altering irreparably damage your psychological functioning ? These psychovirus are instilled for the most part since the childhood by the founders themselves, who have been trying their best to evade the many questions candid of their child by all made or invented in the moment of inspiration. The educational system and the media of dissemination of information complete this process, which eventually weaken the critical judgment of your young people to conform to ideologies erroneous uttered by your political, economic, and religious. The existence of differences, sometimes fundamental, between the ideologies of the different nations of your planet inevitably results in tensions, xenophobic among individuals due to their only inability to accept their differences, and to modulate their behaviours according to them. These viruses psychological lead, through a process of deep learning, to change physiologically in synaptic structures by creating and consolidating neuronal connections thalamic and hypothalamic as well as at the level of some of the key areas, especially the amygdala, the nucleus accumbens, the aqueduct of Sylvius, the septum and the hippocampus. They condition that slowly the individual to act in predictable ways in response to stimuli brought into question his sense of security, its tenets and prejudices instilled through a mechanism that could be defined as a homeostasis psychological. Money, religion, and the pride nationalist are without doubt the main springs which wear out your leaders against you.


E IXOO 7 son of OURIEE 29, approved by AYlOA 1 son of ADAA 67


