Oaxiiboo 62015-02-14 21:45 twitter.com  2 min 2 3190 🇬🇧 #1375



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 @pepetmurri  @ecija_manuel  @jpazelle
One of us left on January 21. One will leave on February 16. Four have to stay.

This channel is now close to its end. At the beginning of this experiment, we thought that our presence on the public network Twitter would get no echo or would only retain the attention of pseudo-UFO groups who spread misinformation on all networks. We were surprised by the warm welcome we have been afforded. We have received messages, public and private, from people with some fame in your social network, from people who have been interested in our culture for many years and from people who discovered us through this channel. We have not received any pejorative, sarcastic or insulting message, not even one. This was a real surprise for us all.

This experiment is now coming to an end. It was scheduled to end on January 18, but due to delays in the arrival of the new contingent of our brothers, it was postponed by one additional month. However, as many of you guessed, the number of our messages was limited and so was their content.

We made a special request for this experience to be pursued, following a more formal procedure. We'll leave this channel open. Your four brothers will continue to make peripheral adjustments but they have been strictly requested not to respond to new messages. You can continue to send messages to this channel and we encourage you to interchange and share your ideas there. We will read them.

Access to this channel is and will remain limited. However, you have FULL FREEDOM to share the whole information injected through it We only ask that you keep every information in context and do not introduce any change, truncation or addition. Report every information in a specific format distinguishable from any comment or speculation you might make.


Question @pepetmurri 2015-02-15 #258

Thanks for your effort to make us understand your approach regarding us. O6-->O5. Somebody left to Ummo ? @ecija_manuel @jpazelle

dav 2015-04-09 #262

This channel is now close to its end. At the beginning of this experiment, we thought that our presence on the public network Twitter would get no echo or would only retain the attention of pseudo-UFO groups who spread misinformation on all networks. We were surprised by the warm welcome we have been afforded. We have received messages, public and private, from people with some fame in your social network, from people who have been interested in our culture for many years and from people who discovered us through this channel. We have not received any pejorative, sarcastic or insulting message, not even one. This was a real surprise for us all.

This experiment is now coming to an end. It was scheduled to end on January 18, but due to delays in the arrival of the new contingent of our brothers, it was postponed by one additional month.

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