Oyagaa Ayoo Yissaa2018-03-22 22:00 2 articles twitter.com 2 6182 🇬🇧 #1911

[OAY-127] 180316

[OAY-128] 180322

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 @pepetmurri A cycle of about 62 years should be considered for solar core activity to measure changes in neutrino emissions. The activity of the photosphere only reflects a degraded harmonic compound, with long lags, of 20 to 22-year inner pulsating sub-cycles.



Question @pepetmurri 2018-03-22 #899

Dans OAY-125, vous parlez du chauffage du cœur de la Terre en 2012-16 et du refroidissement par la suite.
Pouvez-vous en dire plus sur ces cycles de chauffage-refroidissement ?
Toujours lié aux cycles solaires, comme le suggère O6-111 ?
On n'a pas trouvé de corrélation entre l'activité solaire et la décontamination du Netrino sur Terre.

dav 2018-03-23 #900
The Sixty-Year Climate Cycle
Cycles are apparent in climate data. This document examines the appearance of the approximately 60-year cycle that shows up in many areas. This cycle length is not exactly 60 years and varies by a few years between various climatic phenomena and locations.
Climate models do not account for this cycle.
[update 2012/10/10: Sea Level section added]
[update 2012/01/09: Solar System section expanded]

Articles enfants
Oyagaa Ayoo Yissaa2018-03-29 22:00 twitter.com  2 min 2 6277 🇬🇧 #1917

[OAY-128] 180322

[OAY-130] 180329

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Please find below further information on this topic.

Earth core temperature is influenced by three main factors:
1. high internal pressure inducing compression of the iron crystal structure.
2. gravitational influences of the Moon and Sun inducing small cyclic fluctuations at the solid/liquid boundary.
3. interactions with a significant amount of neutrinos crossing the inner core crystal lattice.