Oyagaa Ayoo Yissaa2024-03-10 20:00 @pepetmurri 1 49 🇬🇧 #2755

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Bonjour Ballena. I think that the videos shown by the Orion portray them as a benevolent race that stops the social malpractices of the Priest' caste led by Abraham. When later they give the Ten commandments to Moses (if that is what happened) they show again their good will. 1/n


ummo 2024-03-11 #2058
Also I agree with your interpretation that countries hostile to Israel took the Gray side to prevent the truth of Israel's supposed "god" to remain hidden forever. Who has the Orion proofs (The Yellow Book?) we don't know but probably the Orion have the power to destroy them.2/3
And of course all we can say are especulations. They changed your words: "le choix des pays hostiles à Israël" to "la scission de pays hostiles à Israël". This seems to indicate as you suggest that these countries changed position and that the were initially pro Orion. Where?3/3