NR2003-12-19 06:00  19 min 1004 🇬🇧 #884

[NR18] partial responses or complete the questions on the lists and the site.

🇫🇷 🇪🇸
Title of the letter:

- partial responses or complete the questions on the lists and the site.

- geography of Ummo

- demography and birth control

- funeral ceremony

- various information (second part)

Date : the letter in two parts, posted on the 19/12/03, received 20/12/03

Recipients : "Pierre Martain" (pseudo)

Notes : In French - mailed to you in France

The absence of certain elements of validation "traditional" we cannot totally exclude the hypothesis of a letter, apocryphal. Consider for the moment in "quarantine" pending the result of the events.

Possible inconsistency concerning the surface of the lake AOUWOA SAAOA compared with the data of the letter D41-1

The translations of J. Pollion words Oomo of this letter are added on this file of letters NR-13 to 18

On December 3, 2004... online in the wake of the second part of the letter NR18, the "group of 21" having given his opinion largely in favour of on the classification "NR18 -suite". In effect, the recipient "Pierre Martain was' not desired, till this day, for it to be distributed. It was obviously his right to do so. For your information, "Peter Martain" has confirmed to me that she was in the same fold as the NR18 already aired and I have no reason to put his word into doubt.

Initial release of the NR-18, available online as of 13/01/04

(............ a few words deleted by P. M...........) and André-Jacques Holbecq

I will provide you, at your request, some information geographic and demographic information about our OUMMO. First of all it is necessary for me absolutely up the confusion that seems to bring the card that appears on the classified document by you D41-1 in section 111/1. This map does not represent our continent OUMMOAA in its entirety, but an area of approximately 2100 x 1400 kilometres the large peninsula island, equatorial named WOAROO AAXAA. This island is highly urbanized home to our centers of legislative and religious. It has more than 200 million people, or approximately 8% of our population as a whole (see note below).

Note 1 : Our population growth had been increased from several dozens of XEE to rejuvenate our population and be able to achieve the ideal number of 6.128 (2.58 billion) inhabitants at the entrance of our 4 th age (see note 2). We apply now an average birth rate of 60/1728 all 12 XEE to maintain our population at this level, which equates approximately to you at an annual rate of 13.7 °/°°.

Note 2 : for information purposes, the moment of this passage was communicated to us on July 9, 2003 between 6h34 and 6.37 GMT, at which time our spouses, adult children and parents stayed on OUMMO have established telepathic communication with us (see note 3). We would like to thank your brothers for their warm messages of sympathy that will be sent to OUMMOAELEWE.

Note 3 : The distance does not matter for the link, telepathic, but the interferences due to the presence of material imagination in OUWAAM not affect slightly the timing for communications at very large distance. This explains the margin of error that takes into account a delay maximized to 3 minutes for the first link, telepathic perceived to 6.37. In any case the interference does not affect the pseudo-synchronism so that the perception of a telepathic communication prior to its issuance, since this would imply a violation of the physical laws fundamental to the WAAM.

=> The symbols on this map are inverted in your document, the title block should appear at the top left. The reversal is due to a size is incorrect from the image or to a placement volunteer for a sense of play, placing the setting sun (west) to the left in accordance with convention and contrary to ours. The guides in typography and the map projection can be found of this fact reversed compared to our usual representation in which the upper hemisphere, which concentrates the major part of our continent OUMMOAA, would be for you the south.

The total area of land areas across the of about 250.10 6 km2 it is easy to deduce an average population density of about 10 inhabitants per km2, but this average value would give a very good idea distorted the distribution of our population which gathers at 83% in 8 colonies in sub-equatorial (see note 4) where the average density of population, calculated on the area of land actually inhabited, varies between 3.123 and 6.123 inhabitants KOAEE square - that is, between 68 and 136 inhabitants / km2. I must also add that half of the total area, the swampy regions at the centre of our continent, the polar zone, as well as the two blocks, sub-polar attached - it is incorporated in nature reserves and only reside there temporarily a few specialists in ecology, planetary, botany or zoology who wish to study the fauna, flora and the natural evolution of the medium. 17% of our population is spread in the colony central WOAROO - included WOAROO AAXAA - located in the equatorial upper the african continent, which contains the historic remains key to our past abolished.

Note 4 : There is on OUMMO a single vast continent of very jagged. For historical reasons, the upper part of the continent located to the south for you - which constitutes about 68% of the total area of the land surface is sparsely populated. The area actually inhabited is divided into 9 blocks, geographic, or colonies, of which only the main colony WOAROO extends south of the equator, OUMMO. The remaining 8 colonies, representing 31% of the total area of this continent, north of the equator and are arbitrarily separated by borders topological natural - a river or arm of the sea. We measure it as you time as a function of path apparent of our sun IOUMMA during an XII (date). The geographical reference is arbitrarily given by the small island of equatorial circular OUAWABAAAE mentioned on the card, which is surmounted by a glyph containing a circle symbolizing the equator. This island serves as an origin of the coordinates schedules in a manner quite similar to your meridian of Greenwich. OUMMO is thus divided into 25 time slots of 24 OUIW each (1 hour and 15 minutes approximately).

=> I would ask you to please extend, on the map, the lines which converge at different concentrations of the population of the colonies directly adjacent to WOAROO AAXAA. Our 8 colonies devices represent about 31% of the total area of OUMMOAA. The inhabited area of the colony WOAROO extends approximately 19%, in a band region which is located roughly between the tropical upper and ecuador. The polar zone, including two peninsulas, sub-polar, constitutes 9 % of the total territory. It is icy cold and deserted. The centre for legislative WOAROO AAXAA home to the headquarters of our board of OUMMO (OUMMOAELEWE) which is located at the equator, the north-east - depending on the positioning of your card - the great lake AOUWOA SAAOA. You may also notice, in the center of this lake, the island WOABAAAE where you can admire a large building egg-shaped, translucent colour of fire, dedicated to meditation and religious worship. A splendid building dodéca-hemispherical, located nearby, hosts officials from other stars cold visit us on OUMMO to maintain a telepathic contact between OUMMOAELEWE and the people with whom we are in relationship. The link is telepathic is the only one to allow a contact simultaneously between two stellar systems. We commit ourselves wholeheartedly to develop this latent capacity in you, and that your children could use at the beginning of their puberty, if they were educated in this way.

Also appears on this map, the island GOABAAAE - indicated by a glyph that looks like your number 9 - where is the heart of our network computing concentrating data about each Oummain (see note 5). This is the only place on our planet that benefits from a protection that you would qualify in the military.

Note 5 : We prefer this term to that of ummite or oummite that you use. We use interchangeably, and by order of preference the terms ooman, oomoman, oomoan in our correspondence with your fellow English speakers.

(............a few words deleted by P. M...........) and André-Jacques Holbecq, the expression of my respect and my friendship sincere. I would like to thank, through you, to all your brothers and sisters who are interested in our culture OUMMO for their discretion, and remind them that open-mindedness, and the constant doubt are the most powerful signs of an intelligence healthy.

Note 6 : I am aware that the following additional information is likely to cause a lively effusions of criticisms from some of your brothers. I advise you to weigh your decision to share it with them. I remind you that the stability of our social network OUMMO and our evolution, psycho-emotional factors that we have in relation to any judgments of personal values necessarily subjective.

PROCREATION : procreation is prohibited outside of the OMGEEYIE (couple bed) - pronounced "omghéèyié ". This word contains in it the implicit notion of the couple freely consented and legally constituted, composed of two OEMMII of different genders and ages are compatible. We allow a maximum age difference of 35 XEE if is older than the wife, and the 23-XEE in the opposite case. The OMGEEYIE is allowed from the time where the two spouses are physically capable of procreation.

REVIEW AND PLANNING : Each OMGEEYIE has the right/duty, the unwavering reproduction of a first child which he has full freedom to plan the birth. From the moment of the birth of the first child he will have to take the necessary measures to prevent any impregnation likely to result in a second design (see Note 7). The procreation of a second child should be the subject of a duly substantiated request and receive authorization from the IWOONA OUIWAAGOO (group planning). In general, this request is accepted if the first child has already reached a level OUNNIOBIEWIA (intellectual development and psychomotor), sufficient to enable a self-learning house means placed at his disposal in the OR·OULODAXAABII (room audiovisual) where he has to do exercises daily. This level is usually reached between 7.6 and 8.5 years terrestrial.

Note 7 : measures of contraception by hormonal regulation are very rarely used on OUMMO and we have no equivalent of your male condoms or intrauterine devices. The control is made by the perfect knowledge of the ovulation cycle of each YIE in the middle of the systems of home monitoring integrated in the XANMOO (computer and peripheral systems) private XAABII (round house) to the couple. These data are strictly private and the SANMOO AYOUBAA (computer network global) has knowledge only through regular dissemination and anonymous for purely statistical purposes.

The reproduction of the third child is now deprecated. It is rare that a OMGEEYIE make himself the request. The educational center ONAWO WOUA, relayed by the minister of religious AO·OUIA·OEMII of the couple, however, the proposal to a OMGEEYIE whose two other children have been shown to have exceptional abilities, which confirmed the excellent complementarity genetic parents. A third child is eventually adopted, if the first two are of the OR·OUYIIE (girls). A fourth child is not allowed any more.

MORTALITY and LONGEVITY : The stability in population is now the rule on OUMMO. This is to establish stringent balance between births and deaths. Was reduced to one earth year, the mortality rate on OUMMO stood at 13.7 °/°°.

Our medical technologies allow us to compensate for the dégénèrescences physiological age-related. Our elders do not suffer from bone problems, cardio-vascular or of the forms of cancer that are endemic on OYAGAA. However, we suffer in our veillesse of a cerebral degeneration that we do not know or do not want to avoid. This degeneration takes away little by little to our elders, faculty of issuance by way of telepathy. Oral transmission is no longer possible because of multiple sclerosis, total of the vocal cords, they are condemned to silence. The degeneration continues until total disappearance of any faculty of receiving telepathic. This disappearance of all the faculties natural communication is accompanied by a slow and inexorable deterioration of the capacity memory. This translates, for our elders, by a progressive loss of autonomy, which carries an unacceptable attack on the integrity of the OEMII and the sense of personal respect that you call dignity.

(............ about 3/4 of a row deleted by P. M............................). If life was the maintenance autonomous plant's functions, our longevity would then exceed the 140-year-old land. However, if we exclude accidental deaths, the death on OUMMO is a voluntary act that occurs - without exception - between 432 XEE and 575 XEE (91 to 121 terrestrial).

The CEREMONY OF CONVERSION OF The OEMII IN HELIUM : death is for us the ultimate outcome of the existence and importance also of great importance that the celebration of marriage, the conception and the birth of a child. The ceremony of conversion to helium, equivalent to we of cremation, is meticulously prepared by the former who is preparing to die. This decision is usually taken jointly by the two spouses who made their children as well as their minister of religion. The provision of a funeral is scheduled for OMGEEYIE that brings together the full her children and their spouses up to the fifth generation. A frugal meal is followed by an emotional meeting of farewell at the end of which the family is invited to view a documentary consisting of the sequences chosen that summarize the past life of the OMGEEYIE who is ready to leave. The old couple isolate themselves so side-by-side holding hands, facing the audience, behind a glass that is more opaque slowly so that they enjoy one last time the happiness to contemplate, through their descendants, their active contribution to the perpetuation and the improvement of the social network of OUMMO and the accomplishment of a lifetime.

The XANMOO that continuously monitors the biological parameters of the two OEMII determines the precise moment when a profound peace invaded the OMGEEYIE, marking the entrance into the phase of meditation, indicating the acceptance of abandonment of the OEMII. A flash of blue light indicates support the time of emission of a gravitational field at high frequencies that causes instant death by destruction of brain cells. The conversion process of atoms in the cells of the body in the helium is then initiated. A portion of this helium is released into the room, mixed with an aromatic composition specially prepared for the occasion by the OMGEEYIE same. Each family member inspires then the last scents of his ancestors, including the voluntary integration of the psyche collective OUMMO is now effective.


NABGAA 112 daughter of DORIO 34, approved by AYIOA 1 son ADAA 67


NR-18 "suite", available online as of 03/12/04

Mr. (x)

(Three lines deleted at the request of P. M.)

I will mention, as the story goes, two brothers of the first group you visited. OURIO 79 son of IYIA 5 is fascinated for your psychology complex and decided not to leave your planet to his own will. ODDIOA 1 son of ISSAAO 132, chosen for their high moral character and experience of other civilizations, not oummaines - more and less advanced than yours - not supported not the terrible reality of the suffering endured by your people every day. He had to leave to OUMMO upon the arrival of a new group of expeditionary.

Other brothers were also affected emotionally to some degree by their stay on Earth. Currently, with certain exceptions, we limit the length of our expeditions to 12 XEE (approximately two years and six months). We need to submit for our return trip and then when we arrived on OUMMO to a process of conformation psychological, the duration of which is variable according to the individuals - you would say, depending on the degree of disturbance psychological. We take advantage of the duration of the trip back to OUMMO to observe the quarantine period necessary to destroy any organism, pathogenic or not, that we make inevitably OYAGAA by the simple fact of breathing or eating food.

Our physiology allows us to reside on your planet virtually without constraint. The acceleration due to gravity at the surface of OYAGAA in our favour and the lowest oxygen content of your atmosphere affects us very little, because our body will compensate by adjusting the hematological parameters in Our performance muscle naturally is more important than yours, our strength, you would possibly without a doubt surprising. The only settings that are unpleasant for us on OYAGAA are the high temperature which restricts our mobility and the strong brightness of the sun. Thus, we favour the activities in winter, crepuscular or nocturnal. We respect, however, the circadian rhythm own to OUMMO - cut back to exactly thirty hours land - which includes day and night activities in alternation. We protect consistently our eye through soft lenses sanitized in the centre of which, covering our iris, is formed of a substance having the property to render as a function of the brightness received. This substance is, on OYAGAA, slightly pink so as to transpose the range of frequencies of light emitted by your sun in a spectrum more akin to that with which we are familiar on OUMMO. In case of strong reverberation, we sometimes use your sunglasses, but we judge it to be impractical. We protect our nasal cavity and our ear canals with an antiseptic solution and badigeonnons also our underarms, our ankles, as well as other areas of the body to strong exudation. The smell of sweat apocrine in a state of high decomposition we is hardly tolerable. Some of your perfumes, sometimes more expensive, we écœurent literally. We believe that the best body odor is the absence of smell, or the simple fragrance residual bath salts. It is surprising that cosmetic products also little expensive than the deodorants based on salts of aluminium or of ethyl alcohol are so little used by others, in particular male.

Apart from the need to guard against your viruses and pathogenic microorganisms, our only constraint is true, that is not specific to OYAGAA, is to inhale regularly a aerosol can - that you would know antihistamine to prevent an allergic reaction by exposure to substances that are necessarily alien to us (such as pollens, insect bites, food, fruit drinks, etc,). We carry extreme care to our food. Some foods common to you, are not assimilated by our digestive system. We need to self monitor continuously to detect early symptoms indicating possible anaphylaxis. We keep on us all the time an effective medication that then we must self-administer emergency to prevent the occurrence of a shock, anaphylactoid or anaphylactic. We need to similarly bring great care to leave no indication of our presence, such as, for example, pieces of nails or hair. We are customer models for the personnel of the hotels in which we reside that do not find virtually any trace of use of the bathroom or the bed. We force them to cause the projection of water, wasting the toilet paper, to wet towels and exaggerate the wrinkling of sheets in order to avoid possible suspicions.

Our mimicry of behaviour are curiously similar to those of your that are similar but with notable differences. Our quiet laughter - I am referring here to the Oummains adults - you seems very strange and some of your brethren have interpreted the moment as a choking by wrong food or a hiccup of suffocation. We find, as to us, your laughter, surprisingly enough. Yawning exists in our country, but indicates in general the mild hypoglycemia and the need to feed us then that fatigue results in the feeling of heaviness of the eyelids, itchy eyes, and difficulty concentrating. We smile just like you and for the same reasons. We are also subject to the cries and tears in the same conditions of emotion that for you. We don't feel shame to cry and the tears come easily to my eyes as the redness in the cheeks. We grieve, however, in silence, except in the case of great sadness where we emit a groan the light produced by the trickle of air that escapes from our larynx, oppressed by this strong sense of sadness. Unlike you, we don't know in this case about crying because the emotion blocks completely our vocal cords. The flow intensity of the emotional is about two times larger in our case than in yours.

Our morphological similarities are really amazing. My brothers and sisters who are evolving among you do not go out of the framework, a subjective normality associated with the wide morphological spectrum that are your a variety of ethnic groups. We would present in front of you dressed according to your fashion by announcing our origin not of this earth that you would not at first believe us on word. Only a visual examination careful you alerterait by a few peculiar details that a non-specialist éluderait or deemed to be of little importance.

The converse is not, however, be checked on OUMMO because only a small percentage of your adult population can pass visually for our fellow humans, the morphological diversity being broadly lower on OUMMO that on the Earth. The percentage would increase, however, and very significantly, if we were the women, young pre-teen or very young children.


Your technological development over the last few years helps us greatly in our mission of scientific investigation. The miniaturization of electronic components and energy sources, you can use the daily variety of devices that you carry with you at all times. We have been able to easily conceal our own measuring devices in the form of mobile phones, cameras or diffusers portable music that do not attract The systematic use by your women of panniers allows us (I speak here for myself and my sisters Oummaines) to incorporate instruments for recording sounds, images, and biological parameters without any difficulty.

Do not be afraid of technological advance is exponential, which seems to overwhelm some of your brothers. The technological progress is a necessary step in the development of your social network. The rapidity of the emergence of your global information network the INTERNET is beneficial. This network has a similar high at a functional level with the base of information that can be accessed through our global network of computers on OUMMO. The difference lies in the interactivity of the system with the user and the presentation of the information. Our computers also have the ability to take certain initiatives or to anticipate our requests in a certain limit. They not only play an informative role but also educational and medical. They are somehow an integral part of our social network.


In addition to the reply I inform you that the informative report referenced by you JS 88 (Ndw : D1378) on which your brother made his remarks, was not intended to be made public. We regret that it is but let's assume, however, its content remains largely valid. However, I would like to remind you that the intervention plan described in this report would only cause activation of the certainty of the self-destruction imminent of your race. As an indication, based on parameters fixed in the November 13, 2002, the likelihood of self-destruction does not reach 1/12 before your year 2028. Without wanting to alarm you, we consider this probability to exceed 1/2 in 2073, and that the threshold of 11/12 will be achieved by 2166. Although these dates are regularly pushed back since 1989, each time we recalculate, events the attacks of 11 September 2001 in the United States of America have introduced at the level of some of the parameters of our predictive model to large fluctuations not yet depreciated at that date.

Other reasons impel us, however, to extend the beam of presumptions to conclude that our presence on Earth to constrain your state agencies to respond positively to a simple request that we consider absolutely legitimate. These organizations are facing undeniably our nature, alien, without, however, deigning to consider us as reliable contacts, behaviour that we cannot accept as rational. As a result, the phase of contacts, including reports issued to Earthlings around the world, as well as incursions deliberately visible to our OUEWA (space vehicles) in your air space, will continue to be gradually accelerated up to get feedback of your governments under the pressure of legitimate questions of the witnesses, the press sensational and non-government agencies with whom we communicate. You would be surprised to see the true panic that creeps in the minds of officials at the apex of the military structures of a few of your great nation, the mere mention of the word OUMMOAELEWE without any logical reason for not able to our eyes the explain.

Sir, this document responds, I hope, to your individual questions. Please excuse me for its low information content.

I hope that you will accept, Mr (x), I pose symbolically my hand against your chest to express to you my friendship.


NABGAA 112 daughter of DORIO 34, approved by AYIOA 1 son d' ADAA 67


Note AJH: There are 3 mentions of OURIO 79 in the "old" letters:

D57-3: "UURIO 79 son of IYIA 5 : Expert (Psychobiology human), 18 years of age land. (The only one of this first shipment that is still on this planet). (Editor's note :in 1967)) "

D57-5: "By shining the light through the windows with a light such that one could not notice it, UURIO 79 son of IYIIA 5, UORII 19 daughter of OBAA 7 and ADAA 66 son of ADAA 65 (death on Earth in 1957), were the first in history to observe a residential land. The operation was conducted by ODDIOA 1 son of ISAAO 132. "

D62 - 4: "On February 12, 1957 come YOA 6 and a brother of subject, UURIO 79, son of IYIAA 5 to Hyderabad to get to the neighbouring villages of the river Godovary where, according to news extracted from reliable sources, it was possible to find a few hindus able to repeat these effects."

It may be noted:

- UURIO became OURIO writing French, which seems to show that UURIO is not pronounced OR-OURIO (can be a OR long ?)

- IYIA is written in 3 different ways (although there is a doubt as to the writing on the D57-5)
